Icebreaker Sampo
Unforgettable journey on Icebreaker!
Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Icebreaker Sampo – the one-of-a-kind experience that will take you to the heart of the Arctic. Feel the power of the frozen sea as we sail through the icy waters. Witness the breathtaking landscapes and awe-inspiring views of the Arctic wilderness from the comfort of our ship. Experienced crew of Icebreaker Sampo will guide you through the journey, sharing fascinating insights into the history and culture of the region.
As you cruise through the frozen sea, enjoy the comfort of our cozy restaurant. Immerse yourself in the Arctic experience by floating in the icy sea or optionally participating in a variety of winter activities, including snowmobiling and ice fishing.
Whether you’re looking for an unforgettable adventure or a romantic getaway, Icebreaker Sampo has something for everyone. Book your trip now and join us on an unforgettable journey through the Arctic Circle. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Icebreaker Sampo cruise includes:
- A guided tour of the ship – learn about the history of the icebreaker and the Arctic region from our experienced crew.
- A chance to witness the power of the frozen sea as we break through the ice and create a path for the ship.
- Delicious meals prepared by local chefs – savor the flavors of the Arctic in Lumihiutale restaurant.
- Floating in the icy sea – for the brave-hearted, experience the thrill of immersing yourself in the freezing Arctic waters.
- A variety of winter activities, including snowmobiling and ice fishing (depending on the package chosen).
- A souvenir certificate to commemorate your journey on the Icebreaker Sampo.
Please note that the exact inclusions may vary depending on the specific package chosen, so be sure to check the details when booking your trip.